Saturday, May 24, 2008

Graphing Git Repository Activity In ASCII

Here's a quick little script I wrote up (adapted from this perlmonks post) to show git repository activity as an ascii graph, like so:

git-graph screenshotThe X axis represents a day, with the current day being on the far right. The Y axis is no. of lines added + no. of lines deleted during that day.

EDIT (2009/02/03): won't let me attach a .pl file, so here's the contents:
# - Generate an ascii graph of git repository activity
# Copyright (C) 2008 James Bowes <>
# Graphing routine Adapted from

sub get_activity {
my $day = shift;
my $git_cmd = 'git diff --shortstat "@{' . ($day + 1) .' day ago}" "@{' .
($day or "0") . ' day ago}"';
$res = `$git_cmd 2> /dev/null`;

$res =~ /, (.*?) insertions\(\+\), (.*?) deletions\(-\)/;
$activity = $1 + $2;

return $activity;

@deltas = ();
foreach $day (0..70) {
push (@deltas, get_activity ($day));

print ("\n");
print graph(@deltas);
print ("\n");

sub graph {
my( $i, $magic, $m, $p, $top, @g ) = ( 0, 20, 7, 70, 0, () );

foreach $pad (0..($p - scalar(@_))) {
push (@_, 0);

@_ = reverse @_;

for (0..($p)) {
$top = ($top > $_[$_]) ? $top : $_[$_];

$top = $top - ($top % 100) + 100;

my $s = $top > $magic ? ( $top / $magic ) : 1; ### calculate scale

for (0..$magic) {
$g[$_] = sprintf("%" . ($m - 1) . "d |", $_ * $s) .
($_ % 5 == 0 ? '_' : ' ') x ($p);
for $i (0..($p)) {
substr($g[$_], ($i + $m), 1) = '#' if ($_[$i] / $s) > $_;
join( "\n", reverse( @g ), ' Date: ' . '^^^^^^|' x ( $p / 7 ));
} # end sub graph



  1. Okay, I confess, I have spent at least 15 minutes every day since I read this post trying to think of something to graph.

  2. @IAN: How about graphing time spent per day thinking about something to graph?

  3. The problem there is that as soon as I start, the graph will be empty.


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